Motivational Speaker & Life Coach
What I Do
Lively and energetic, Adél will lift you up (she has a black belt in karate) and place you solidly in First Position (being a Professional Dance Instructor with 24 years experience) and before you can say Bredasdorp (where she is based) you will be as fit and self-disciplined as a well-trained K9 dog! ( (Adél is also the owner of the only Dog Training School in the Overberg)
Motivational Speaker
Motivational talks tailor-made for each individual. Also available for corporate events, functions, conferences, meetings productions, team building, fundraisers, networking get together or a Special Events’ Day – and you can be certain that your audience will be enthralled by her message, generously sprinkled with a healthy dose of laughter.
Life Coach
Passionate to see people succeed in life, Adél challenges herself to do better daily and not to back down when facing challenges. As life coach, she is able to draw from her vast experience, knowledge and skills and take you from zero to superhero in the blink of an eye!
So if you are searching for a life coach near me, Adél is in your area.
To add further value to the personal development of yourself or your team, join Adél in a group session when she presents her popular workshops
Building your Confidence / Creating your Vision Board / Effective Communication / Fat Loss
Need More Info?
Contact me on 082 690 0684 (SMS, call or WA), or email me and I will be in touch.

My Workshops
If you are Struggling with Low Self-Esteem, or need help to visualise and action your future goals, or if you want loose weight and start living a healthy life…
Why Choose Adél?
People are her passion and bringing out the best in everyone is what she does best.
“If I can make a positive difference and help at least one person a day to improve his/her life, then that was a great day”
~ Adél Dreyer
With her ability to instil confidence, teach communication skills and awaken an inner vision, her friendly and nurturing nature had cemented her position as a leader in the leadership and wellness industry.
Adél’s success in mind-body therapy rests on her belief to address not only emotional challenges but focuses on total wellbeing. She is a qualified life coach and health and wellness specialist. Her quest to transform lives had led to her popularity as a motivational speaker, life coach and nutritionist.
This versatile life coach designs optimal wellness strategies for the individual and for families, addressing each individual’s needs.

“ Adél is a force to be reckoned with, her energy and style of delivering are contagious and keeps the audience engaged the whole time. She doesn’t just talk the talk, she truly makes it happen and will do whatever it takes to lift other women entrepreneurs up, to empower and educate them along the way. ”
Danell Wilson-Perlman
Amplify Africa Travel Program Founder
Feedback & Reviews
See what my clients have to say about the workshops I have hosted for them and the level of expertise with which I conduct my workshops.
“We had Adél over for a motivational talk and it was so much fun! We were all uplifted and motivated by her friendly and bubbly personality. She has many wonderful ways of giving you insight into certain aspects of your life and whether it be work or personal related I’m sure everyone can benefit from spending time in her company.”
Strepies van Wyk
Realty1 Agulhas, Principal / Property Consultant
“The Vision board workshop was a wonderful experience. It helped me to identify my goals and put them in order of merit. It feels like the mountain has been lifted off of my shoulders and now I can focus on the important things. Thank you Adél for your support and detailed yet understandable explaining.”
Madeline Kriel
Entrepreneur & Contestant in “Kokkodoor”
Janice Griffin
Copywriter at Dynamic